Customer Testimonials

  • We have received Dandias today. Excellent work. We are very much impressed. Also all delivered well in time for the celebration. Thanks for decent packaging. Impressive work with engraving the names. You have exceeded our expectations!!! Will pass recommendation to family and friends. Thank you.
    Daksha Babla
  • The kankotris are amazing, amazing, amazing!! Everyone is well pleased. Thank you very much. Hope you are able to promote the photos concept more pro-actively: Its potential is probably under-recognised. It could increase your revenues, to offer the "wow" factor for your customers and become a USP for your marketing. Kind regards....
    Shashi Tanna
  • Just got the parcel you've sent us, Absolutely great, the invitations are fantastic, even overcome my expectations. Congratulations, well done. Please thank all your team on my behalf for all their dedication. It was amazing to work with you guys, and thank you for your trust, as you started working on the invitations before we transfer you the money, that meant a lot to me. Best wishes.
    Catarina Santos
  • I have received multiple compliments on the quality of the card, with many recipients commenting that it is one of the most beautiful wedding cards that they have ever seen! Thanks for an outstanding job guys. Will definitely be referring your company to my friends and family. Kind Regards
    Vic Naicker
  • I have received the wedding invites and I am very happy with them ... Thank you so so much for all your help and hard work I really appreciate it ... I am so glad we went with you yes there was a slight hiccup but I am glad that the cards have arrived and the quality of the card is impressive too ... Thank you for all your hard work.
    Sarah Iqbal
  • Hi, Ajitbhai, today I've received my order and I am very happy with my cards. It was same as I expected and I must salute to your professional service throughout . . . As I spoke to you several times over the phone and you answered all my questions every time I called very patiently . I also like your prompt response. Definitely I'll promote your name within my Friends and Family. Please convey my special thanks to everyone in your printing department staff. Warm regards.
    Alkesh Patel
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
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