Customer Testimonials

  • Happy New Year. I just wanted to thank you again for the quality of your work and services. You made the process so easy and pleasant - from start to finish. We just mailed out our invitations - and in one day alone five different family members called to tell us how beautiful, classy, and tasteful the invitations were. Thank you so much.
    Shimoli Vyas
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • Jay Swaminarayan Ajitbhai, I have spoken to my father who came to see you in Rajkot. Thank you for taking your time to meet him and sorting the remaining bits left. Deena & I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for all of your help throughout the process from start to end. The service you and your company offer is fantastic and would recommend to friends & family. After speaking to my parents, I hear that the invites look wonderful. God bless and every success in your well look after company.
    Deena & Jay
  • I received the cards on Friday afternoon as promised. They are exceptional!!!! We love them so much, thank you, we are very satisfied with the work and will be recommending you to our friends and family. It was great doing business with you.
    Mehreen Tahir
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • I have received the wedding cards today from UPS. The invitation cards look fantastic. Well done and good job and I will recommend your company to my friends if they need to do their wedding cards. Thank you for all your help and prompt service. You have a great week.
    Chris and Malini
  • I know this email is coming in late but our wedding just got done this weekend and I finally have some time to breathe! Thank you so so so very much for the lovely wedding invitations and RSVP cards - they were a big hit with all our friends and family. There isn't one thing that didn't go right with the whole process and you have no idea what a big relief that is when planning a wedding. Your service is just EXCEPTIONAL in every sense of the word - right from the online ordering, to response times to emails and queries, right up to the delivery. You can be rest assured that you have any and all business from us and we will absolutely recommend you to all our friends here in the US as well. Thank you so very much once again for making it an absolute pleasure doing business with you.
    Shalu and Alex
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • I received the engagement cards today. Without a doubt, they are the nicest engagement invitations I have ever seen, they are simply stunning. We would not be able to purchase such a gorgeous card in Australia. I will always recommend you to my friends and I am sure they will love this invitation once I send them out at the beginning of June. Thanks so much, I love them.
    Judy Clark - Sonya
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