Customer Testimonials

  • Your team has done an amazing job. I received the wedding invitations a couple days ago. Thank you so much for making my big day even more special. Your team had answered all of my questions and concerns in a timely and respectful manner. I have never worked with such amazing people before. Thank you so much for the patience with responding to my emails and the amazing quality of your work.
    Sulsabeel Akram
    U. S. A. (Rest of Country)
  • We received Cards on 8/21/18 as you promised it did arrive on time.Actual card looks better than it appears on your website. We are happy with card design. We were surprised that you used sleeve shape inside cover for two insert cards. The Color combination of fonts and paper is also good.We will recommend your name to our family and friends when they need to order cards for any occasionsThank you once again for providing really good service.
    Kishor Vaghela
    U. S. A. (Rest of Country)
  • Madhurash, was so professional in how they conduct the business. They were being very patient and did so many proofs until I was fully satisfied with the final copy. I cant expect more than what they did for us. Their quality of work is next to amazing. I would truly recommend them, for any couples who are planning their wedding.
    Sri Brahma
    United Kingdom
  • Good morning Ajit and team We have received our invitations and are very happy. Thank you very much for all your help, time and efforts.
    Chandni & Sandeep
    United Kingdom
  • Hello Ajit ji, I got the delivery of the cards through DHL on 31 July, 2017. Thanks to you and your team. Everyone liked the cards and cards were printed and delivered well-in promised time. I would say that your company is Professional and is number 1 in printing the Quality cards. Had an excellent experience in dealing with your company. You have plenty of cards to choose from, transparency in prices as quoted on web site. In brief you deserve 5 stars ***** out of 5 . Great Job !!! Just need your blessings to be showered on the couple going to marry soon ! Thanks, Anil Ralh
    Anil Ralh
  • I am extremely happy with the card & it looks awesome . My entire family is very happy with the card & design & execution . I would highly recommend you to all my family & friends in future . Thanks again for everything .
    Chandra Arun
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