Customer Testimonials

  • Please pass my appreciation to your team for all that you did for our wedding. The wedding cards came out very nice after all the hard work and all the back and forth. Appreciate your patience and dedication to making our event successful. I was very impressed with how they were all packaged so nicely delivered.
    Kinjal & Vishal
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • Today Craig and I received our wedding cards in eager anticipation and excitement. How pretty were they.....Thank you and your staff for such an awesome job. We love our cards, the colour, size and feel of it. Thank you also for such a prompt service. We truly appreciated the cards and the little stickers and bag.
    Craig & Sunita
  • I JUST received my package and I absolutely LOVE my invitations. They are beyond gorgeous. More than I could have imagined. Thank you and the team for all of your patience and respect as I went back and forth making changes until the last minute. I really appreciate all of the hard work, effort and time you guys invested in making my invitations amazing for a day that is so important to me and my family. Thanks again and I can't wait to do business with you guys again for future events :)
    Hina Saiyed
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • Good night Ajit, congratulations for the wonderful invitation, which arrived in perfect condition, in which you exceeded my expectations, living up to what is called in India: "King of invitations" congratulations for his "work art ", being a person in the correct order. Thank you.
    Natasha Macedo
  • I have received the cards today and I just wanted to say a big thank you to both of you. The cards are amazing, better than what I was expecting. Thank you Badal for being so patient, not only did you make the amendments that I requested, but you also used your own initiative to make these cards so beautiful. I will definitely recommend you to others and hopefully will be back for more when my brother gets married. Keep up the good work. Warm regards
    Rukhsana Qureshi
  • I wanted to personally thank you and your team for doing a WONDERFUL job on my wedding invites and program books! I appreciate all of the hard work!! Thank you again!
    Puja Patel
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
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