Customer Testimonials

  • We have received our wedding cards. We are very pleased to be finally holding this in person after meticulously crafting it with your assistance. We just wanted to thank you for the great service you provided... the attention to detail, understanding and prompt response to our questions and suggestions you recommended was nothing less than excellent. Thank you so much, and we will definitely recommend My Shadi Cards to all our friends in regards to an excellent source for wedding cards.
    Yadhaev & Monita
  • Thank you for all of your assistance. We have just received the cards and are very pleased! The work is just magnificent and your service and support are the best. I will definitely be recommending your company to my friends and family.
    Aalok Oza
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • The shipment was delivered to our home on Tuesday.You have done a great job.The cards met our expectations and we are very pleased that we chose your services.The packing was great.Cards look good.My son is also satisfied with the cards.
    Uma Mahesh
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • This is Thirshni. I just received my wedding card. I am so blown away by how beautiful it is. I want to thank you with all my heart on the wonderful job you did on them. It is simply beautiful. Thank you so much for giving me such beautiful wedding card. It is definitely something that I will cherish forever. Thank you. God Bless.
    Thirshni Kajan
  • Exquisite Handmade Cards! We loved every single one of them. The professionalism of the staff was exceptional. They are extremely courteous, efficient and willing to work directly with you. Thanks to the staff and Mr. Rajdev for making our Wedding Invitations Artistic Masterpieces!
    Vidya & Naveed
    Tortola (British Virgin Islands)
  • We have received our engagement cards yesterday and we would like to thank you for your time and services. You made buying our cards from you very easy and stress free by helping us through the whole process and keeping us informed. We would like to thank your whole team kindly for the great work you have done. We love the cards and would most defiantly recommend you to our friends and family.
    Hemali Mehta & Milap Shah
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