Customer Testimonials

  • I just want to say thank you very much, I received all wedding invitation cards in 6 days. They looks awesome, very pleased. You have given an excellent service and very pleased with quality.
    Prita Gondalia
    United Kingdom
  • Ajit Uncle has a fantastic selection of well priced invitations. Their service is flawless - I omitted some information on the invitation and despite it being completely my fault, Ajit Uncle worked to a very short deadline to fix this for me and include the relevant information. The invitations turned out absolutely perfect - we really appreciated his help throughout our trip. :)!
    Bijal Dattani
    United Kingdom
  • We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to everyone at Madhurash Cards for their assistance with the printing of our Wedding Cards. Everyone have been thorough professionals throughout the card printing process and we are really happy with the final outcome.Thank you once again for all your assistance with our cards, for your time spent amending our cards to our request, and for sending it to us promptly once the printing was completed.We have been thoroughly impressed and satisfied with your service and will definitely be recommending you to our friends in the near future.Kind regards,
    Kalithasan & Satchi
  • Ajit Rajdev, his designer, Tushar Bakrania and their team was outstanding in providing high quality printing services. The wedding invitation cards exceeded our expectations and were praised by everyone who received it. The entire process was executed professionally and in a timely manner. I strongly recommend Madhurash Cards for printing wedding and other types of cards.
    Jake Krishnan
    U. S. A. (Rest of Country)
  • Thank you for getting my brother's wedding cards made so quickly and getting them delivered before our requested date! We made a lot of last minute changes and you were able to accommodate them with ease and quick turnaround.
    Shailla Chand
    U. S. A. (Rest of Country)
  • I am writing this email to say thank you very much. Your service was excellent and in time you had done 175 cards ready in three days, so we can take these cards back home London. Bhavini and Gurshaan(Ravi), really liked the cards, very high quality and we're very happy with the choice.I will get in touch with you next year, for my second daughter wedding, probably be online ordering.So once again Thank You very much for making the beginning very special for the bride and groom.
    Mukesh Gondalia
    United Kingdom
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